Our Promise

We exist to elevate meaningful cultural artwork around the world. To best highlight the work of diverse inhabitants, perspectives, and traditions we commit to the following principles:


All projects represented by Artist Eye will adhere to strict guidelines based on a human-first methodology. AE’s sole responsibility is to support local artists around the world by enhancing  their artwork, design, and message through the use of technology. We strive to give new meaning or greater awareness to cultural storytelling and original artwork—both contemporary and historic.


Artist Eye embraces different rules of thought. We celebrate unconventional artwork and forms of self-expression that challenge the norm or offer new perspective based on experiences unique to the artist and their culture.

Native Storytelling

Artist Eye exclusively represents artwork that connects strongly to a community, being either produced by residents or by advocates who promote the history-telling of that location.

Cultural Sensitivity

Artist Eye values ethics over art. We will only offer technology that supports the original artist's vision and respects the cultural practices and inhabitants living within the environment.

Creative Collaboration

To push boundaries, collaboration is fundamental. AE actively solicits contributors with different perspectives, unique backgrounds, and original ideas and practices to support and enhance our mission.